

Aveda manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products that use plant-derived ingredients.

Why We Love Aveda
Aveda’s vision is to connect beauty, environment and well-being. Their mission is to care for the world we live in, from the products they make to the ways in which they give back to society. They strive to set an example for environmental leadership and responsibility, not just in the world of beauty, but around the world. Aveda seeks to use naturally derived ingredients whenever possible.

Aveda has a Full Circle Recycling Program. This program offers a new way for you to help keep Aveda packaging out of landfills. Aveda has partnered with g2 revolution®, a leading recycling innovations company, to provide guests the chance to return Aveda packaging and accessories not accepted by municipal curbside recycling programs to all 107 Aveda Experience Center retail locations in the US.

The company is committed to animal welfare. It is one of their founding principles. They do not conduct animal testing, nor ask others to do it on their behalf, except when it is required by law.

Those are some of the reasons why we love Aveda.

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